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  Wisdom of the Rays - ”Achieve the wisdom of knowledge of Truth as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.“

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Collections Of Timeless Older Spiritual Messages

WISDOM OF THE RAYS: The Masters Teach, Vol. I

400+ pages softcover
ISBN: 0-9661921-0-9

$20 USD + Shipping

WISDOM OF THE RAYS: The Masters Teach, Vol. I book


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WISDOM OF THE RAYS: The Masters Teach Vol. I | 20 USD | for US MAIL Canada/Mexico delivery 8 USD

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WISDOM OF THE RAYS: The Masters Teach Vol. I | 20 USD | for US MAIL - delivery elsewhere 12 USD


After a Dedication, Publisher’s Foreword, and Preface, the first 1/3 of this volume is an Introduction to the various Ascended Masters and Teachers who have contributed one or more of the Messages later on. The writing dates for the Messages span a time from May 30, 1996 through March 29, 1997. A charming Afterword and three Appendices of related information finish out the contents of volume I.

From the back cover of volume I:

Our Elder Brothers from the Higher Realms of Creation are attempting to communicate with ALL of us at this time. Why? Take a look around you. The old ways of doing things aren't working. Our planet is entering a time of massive, turbulent change and renewal. To put it bluntly: we NEED help! And that's where this book comes into the picture. Yes, eventually “the Phoenix will arise from the ashes” after this Great Cleansing process, but the ride could be a bumpy one, especially for those ill-prepared for what is to happen.

Just how we choose to deal with such change is THE question each of us must confront. Yet confusion swirls everywhere upon Earth at this time. And restless searchers cry out for that which may help them cope with the truly challenging times ahead. Thus these messages courtesy of our most loving Elder Brothers from the Higher Realms of Creation who are but further along the same spiritual path we all must eventually walk.

WISDOM OF THE RAYS: The Masters Teach, Vol. II

500+ pages softcover
ISBN: 0-9661921-1-7

$20 USD + Shipping

WISDOM OF THE RAYS: The Masters Teach, Vol. II book


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WISDOM OF THE RAYS: The Masters Teach Vol. II | 20 USD | for US MAIL domestic delivery 5 USD

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WISDOM OF THE RAYS: The Masters Teach Vol. II | 20 USD | for US MAIL Canada/Mexico delivery 8 USD

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WISDOM OF THE RAYS: The Masters Teach Vol. II | 20 USD | for US MAIL - delivery elsewhere 12 USD


After a Dedication, Publisher’s Foreword, and Preface, the Messages from various Ascended Masters and Teachers continue from where they left off in volume I. The writing dates for the Messages span a time from April 5, 1997 through September 20, 1998. Two Appendices of related information finish out the contents of volume II.

From the back cover (excerpts from volume II):

Let us begin with WHO you are. You, the non-physical YOU, are an infinite thought projection of the One who created you (God!). You are the product of His desire. You are, in effect, Desire manifest in uniqueness of purpose.

Esu “Jesus” Sananda

Be not in fear of the changes that are upon you, for they are a very necessary part of the [planetary] transition. The Earth will heave to and fro, and many wondrous things will you experience, but lose not your sight upon the final goal. We will always be there with you, and we are but a call away.

Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec

You live in perhaps the most unique time that your planet will ever experience — COMING OUT OF IGNORANCE (DARKNESS) AND INTO KNOWLEDGE (LIGHT). Would it not be wise to take full advantage of this exquisite learning environment?!

“Grandfather” Sanat Kumara

The physical body is “merely” a conduit for the interaction into and the interfacing with the physical experience. I say “merely” because that body is a most exquisite creation indeed and poorly understood by your current level of so-called medical science.

Master Hilarion

Be at peace, you who acknowledge and take within these messages of Higher Guidance, for you are being given that which you will need, in the way of instruction, to meet and surmount these challenges ahead.

Aton, The One Light
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