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  Wisdom of the Rays - ”Achieve the wisdom of knowledge of Truth as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.“

Spiritual Messages

The Spiritual Messages here are of the very highest “channeled” quality from a number of Ascended Masters, Teachers, and Wayshowers from the Higher Realms of Creation--and, as well, there are a few messages by exceptional teachers in our world--all of whom are dedicated to assisting ones who find themselves restless and searching (that is, ready) for the “next step” of their spiritual growth.

(Messages here are in descending chronological order. View Messages grouped by Author.)

(Messages here are grouped by author. View Messages in chronological order.)

Esu “Jesus” SanandaAs a part of his own growth experiences within that current level of accomplishment, Esu is regarded as the Commander-In-Chief of this particular planetary reclamation and transition mission, especially concerning the “harvesting” of the Lighted souls. In this case, it probably would be appropriately descriptive to say that the “shepherd” is still faithfully tending his “flock” and, in this current upcoming-planetary-transition phase of that project, he is in charge of directing ALL those, from ALL realms of creation, who are here and assisting him to “sort and bring his flock home".

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It Is Your Life And Your Responsibility

I am Esu “Jesus” Sananda—One with the Light of Holy God of Creation, our Father. I come to you this day with Blessings from Holy God of Light. I speak only that which my Father speaks. Thank you for asking.

If you want to follow another in this life, then you are reading the wrong publication. If you do not want to make your own decisions, and take responsibility for your own life, then you are reading the wrong publication.

If, however, you want THE TRUTH, and you want to THINK FOR SELF, and you are willing to take responsibility for that which you do and speak, then you are reading the right publication.

  2231 Hits

This Is The Time Of Nearly Instant Return

Greetings and good evening, child. Be at peace and be still, for it is I, Sananda, come to speak with you this day. I come in and with the Blessed and Radiant Light of the One True Creator God.

Thank you for your time and for your persistence in these very trying times. Have I not always told you that I am always near, and you need but ask and I will answer.

Be not surprised that Doris cannot see nor hear the Truth these days, for have I not told you that my people know my voice? In her fear and desperation, she knows not that she has turned from The One Source, Creator God, for the Dark Trickster has managed to capture her in his web of seduction and deceit.

Do you ones give up and stop sending her the Light—my Light or our Father’s Light? I say unto you, nay, you shall not stop, for it is only that Light which is keeping her in relative safety.

  2804 Hits

Reclaiming Your Authority As A Co-Creator

Good evening, child. It is I, Sananda, also known as Esu or Jesus the Christ, depending upon your own understanding. Regardless of the label, I come in and with and as representative of the One Holy White Light of our Father, Creator of All That Is. It is my pleasure to commune with you on this day, and I am thankful and honored that you have taken the time to sit with me.

I, as well as others of the Higher Lighted Realms, are in full understanding that many of you ones are questioning what is taking place and when and how it might all play out eventually. What I shall comment in regard to this matter is this:

All is progressing forward, and all will eventually play itself out. There are many human conditions, karma, and decisions that have effect upon the outcome of the situation, and we must allow for all these human dramas to be expressed as they will. After all, the principal way that you in the third-dimensional reality learn is by the human experience through your current expressions of physicality.

  1978 Hits

Lightness And Darkness Both Show Their Signs

Just because ones once followed the Light, does not mean that they are still following the Light. It is very easy to be seduced by the Dark Forces, especially if ones allow themselves to become angry, fearful, sloppy, boastful, or haughty. If you have become so self-confident that you feel you no longer have the need to clear your space or demand identification or ask for Guidance and Protection by the Lighted Forces of Creator God, then you have set yourself up for the biggest fall possible.

I open this Message with a great caution, for there are many who have been taken-in by the Adversary and know it not. It is a time for real self-examination and self-judgment.

Good evening, child. It is Esu “Jesus” Immanuel Sananda, the one who was and is and has been known by many titles. I AM ONE with the Father—Holy God of Light and Creation. I come unto thee this day in and with that same Light of Creation, and I come with the Truth, which is the Sword of Justice.

  2291 Hits

The Battle Intensifies Between Light And Dark

This receiver just learned a very great lesson and was called to task quite sufficiently. Now I believe that we can sit down and work in earnest. Thank you, child, for taking the correction so well.


All is not beautiful and wonderful, for if it were, we would not be needing these words to be written for a planet gone astray.

  2354 Hits

It Is Time My People Come Together!

When decisions are made to serve the Light, there will always come distractions to turn your attention away to what is perceived as the more important task.

Good evening, child. I am Sananda, come to visit with you upon this night reported to be my earthly birthday. I bring unto you the blessing of Holy God of Light, and I am well pleased that you have taken the counsel as you have.

Though it is understood that there are many Earthly duties that you perceive have been heaped upon your shoulders, know that most of these perceived duties are but distractions placed in your life to sway you off the path of receivership. There is so much that you can offer to your world by serving in this manner, and that is the reason the Darkness will forever try to seduce you from that service for which you have been chosen and you have chosen in this life experience.

  2454 Hits

Truly Living The Golden Rule

I have said, and it is so: I am as near as your very heartbeat.

I am Esu Immanuel Sananda, named “Jesus” by Dark ones on your place many years after my departure. I come in the Radiance of God-Aton. I come in Service to that Being, and unto the greater good of The Creation, within all Universal Laws.

The Laws are put forth for the greater good of The Whole, within balance. The universal order is Perfection. Balance is restored whenever there is disorder.

  2368 Hits