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  Wisdom of the Rays - ”Achieve the wisdom of knowledge of Truth as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.“

Spiritual Messages

The Spiritual Messages here are of the very highest “channeled” quality from a number of Ascended Masters, Teachers, and Wayshowers from the Higher Realms of Creation--and, as well, there are a few messages by exceptional teachers in our world--all of whom are dedicated to assisting ones who find themselves restless and searching (that is, ready) for the “next step” of their spiritual growth.

(Messages here are in descending chronological order. View Messages grouped by Author.)

(Messages here are grouped by author. View Messages in chronological order.)

Esu “Jesus” SanandaAs a part of his own growth experiences within that current level of accomplishment, Esu is regarded as the Commander-In-Chief of this particular planetary reclamation and transition mission, especially concerning the “harvesting” of the Lighted souls. In this case, it probably would be appropriately descriptive to say that the “shepherd” is still faithfully tending his “flock” and, in this current upcoming-planetary-transition phase of that project, he is in charge of directing ALL those, from ALL realms of creation, who are here and assisting him to “sort and bring his flock home".

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Be Strong And Know That Help Is Near

Peace. Esu present in Light, and in Service to God and to The Creation.

Let there be no mistake about who I AM or who I Serve: I Serve only the highest good for humanity, in Service to the Father of All That Is. Let not your limited understanding prevent you from reading that which I have to say, for it is for the greater good that I come forth to add clarity and understanding to a chaotic and pained world.

Please know that, from where I am, I and my fellow associates in Service witness ALL of the evil plans that are being used to further enslave you. Your leaders know that we are here, watching. And yet they are arrogant beyond belief, smug in their own self-righteous power. They see not. They are in no way wise. They are foolish. And they will bring down on their own heads that which they seek to avoid.

Beloved, FEAR NOT, for you live in a troubled time. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT BELIEVE THAT WHICH YOU ARE BEING TOLD ON YOUR TELEVISION MIND-CONTROL BOXES. You are being lied to. You are being manipulated. You are being set-up for the greatest tyranny, the greatest human enslavement imaginable—all in the name of the “War On Terrorism”. IT IS A LIE!

  2628 Hits

The Good Shall Be Sorted From Evil

Peace, for I am here. I am Esu Sananda, and I come in Radiance and in Service.

Darkness cannot dwell in my presence, for it is the very nature of Darkness to shun the Light.

Be at peace this day. Simply quiet yourself, and you shall hear what I say to you with clarity.

The events of recent days [the 9/11 tragedies] have brought out the best in man. ’Tis so sad that it takes an act of such evil to bring forth man’s goodness, yet it is so. Has it not been said that in these days the Light and Dark shall be separated? That Goodness and Evil shall become more readily apparent? Is this not the case?

  2210 Hits

“The Voice Of Truth Shall Be Heard Throughout The Land”

Esu Sananda present in Radiance. I come in service to the Father and unto The Creation. Let there be no mistake about WHO I AM. Darkness is no part of my being. Indeed, the Adversary cannot stand in the presence of Light and Truth.

All are open to receive the messages of Truth I bring. Yet, those steeped in fear and anger and greed and ill-intent choose to listen to another drummer, for their path is twisted and distorted by choices which serve only to mislead and entangle.

I come to you this day, on the anniversary of the [1987] Harmonic Convergence, for the voice of Truth shall be heard throughout the land. It is not for “the chosen” or “the elect” that I speak, for ALL are God’s children. And yet, through the choices that man makes, it is a Truth that few shall be chosen, though many are called.

  2823 Hits

Aligning Heart & Head Are Key To A Satisfying Life

Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Esu “Jesus” Sananda, come in the Golden-White Light of Creator Source—The One Light.

Be still, my scribe, and allow the energies to settle. Feel the Light filling you from within and expanding outward. Allow the distractions of the day to fall away as your mind becomes still.

We of the Lighted Realms of Creation find great pleasure in bringing you ones these messages of Hope. As your planet and all “on board” continue in the evolutionary cycles of growth, there will always be challenges to face and conditions created wherein you will find a need to seek, from within yourself, a means by which to balance the energy flows of any given situation. This is to say that “challenges” are often, in their most fundamental form, nothing more than energy surges that need to be balanced in a responsible manner.

  3052 Hits

What’s Truly Important In Your Life?

Good evening, my scribe. It is I, Esu “Jesus” Sananda, come in the Radiance and Oneness of Creator God, The One Light. Blessings and peace, dear ones.

Allow for the natural unfolding of events surrounding these times of swift change. Abrupt shifts in focus will become necessary for MANY in the coming weeks, months, and years. This is to say that where you think you are heading is, in all likelihood, quite a bit different than where you will eventually be. Many of you will have experiences that will cause sudden and abrupt changes of priority and focus, thus leading you down a path you may never have considered prior.

Allow for the spontaneous unfolding of life and living. Be ever diligent to remain flexible in your thinking and reasoning, so as to allow for these sudden shifts in “reality”. In many cases your very ability to adapt to new and quickly changing situations will further enhance your survivability, and thus further your opportunities to experience and grow within the present chosen physical environment.

  3343 Hits

With Understanding Comes The Wisdom To Release Fear And Pain

Good morning, my scribe. It is I, Esu “Jesus” Sananda, come within the Radiant One Light of Father-Mother God—Creator Source. Be still and know that ALL is well this day.

Life and living—forever these spring forth anew. As various cycles of life come to a close, there is always newness born from the “wake” left behind in the living waters of life.

Look not to the past with sorrow, heartache, or grief. Rather, see the past as a strengthening period wherein you experienced challenges and made choices that took you along a unique journey of growth. Draw upon the past experiences when they serve a positive and productive purpose in the current moment of now. But, be ever so cautious not to live in the past—for the MOMENT OF NOW is the only place in which to make change, and gather new experience and knowledge.

  2449 Hits

At This Holiday Season, Awaken The Gift Of Your God-Self Within

Good evening, my friend. It is I, Esu “Jesus” Sananda, come in the Radiance of our Father, Creator God—The One Light.

Be at peace, for there is great work yet to be accomplished and the time is drawing near when darkness (ignorance of The Truth) will be a thing of the past.

Your world’s population is in great need of remembering the Christ Within. The Christ Within does NOT mean to find Jesus within. The Christ Within means developing an awareness of the Infinite Creator God who lives within and through you. Such an awareness includes a personal understanding of your Divine inner connection to Source.

This is to say that each and every one of you who read this should be consciously striving to recognize for SELF the meaning of the statement: “I and my Father are One.” This was not some statement meant for just me, Esu—but rather, a statement used to express to you ones the true nature of your own spiritual heritage.

  2070 Hits

I Hear Your Call, Do You Hear Mine?

Greetings, my scribe. It is I, Esu “Jesus” Sananda. Yes, I come in the Holy Light of The One Light—Creator Source. Please be calm for there is a much needed message that I wish to deliver.

Many ones are petitioning for my input on various matters. I wish to let all ones know that I indeed DO hear the many calls and that they do not go unnoted.

You ones who seek Guidance through this particular source should go back and re-read many of the past public writings again—very carefully. You will see, often, that the words from a particular named entity will often include statements such as “We of the Lighted realms”.

Please be assured that I, Esu Sananda, am one of those “We” mentioned.

  2693 Hits

Clear The Weeds From Your Wheat

Good evening, child. I am Esu “Jesus” Sananda. I come in the Pure White Light of my Father’s Radiance, and I bring ONLY that Pure White Radiance with me.

Let the doubters have their doubt, for it is nothing which you can prevent. My Messages must be judged by their words and by the energy present. Those who would judge these words as false or misleading are themselves misled. These words shall only be resisted by the very ones who need to hear them the most. So be it.

The subject today is very important. It has to do with how you are doing with the infusion of Light that is increasing with every passing moment of your time. As we have discussed in previous writings, the Light infusing your planet at this time is causing an acceleration and intensifying effect upon each and every one on Earth. It is causing all who are of the Light to be brighter, and all who are of the Darkness to be darker.

  2445 Hits

True Abundance Comes From Walking The Spiritual Path

Good evening, child. I am Esu Sananda, known also as Jesus of Nazareth, and to those native to the Americas, as the Pale Prophet and other names. I come in Light and Love and on behalf of my Father, Holy God of Light. Thank you for your attention.

“I am come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.”

Did I speak these words? Yes, indeed I did.

What do they mean? Well, it has nothing to do with money and material possessions, but it has everything to do with spiritual abundance.

  2529 Hits