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  Wisdom of the Rays - ”Achieve the wisdom of knowledge of Truth as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.“

Spiritual Messages

The Spiritual Messages here are of the very highest “channeled” quality from a number of Ascended Masters, Teachers, and Wayshowers from the Higher Realms of Creation--and, as well, there are a few messages by exceptional teachers in our world--all of whom are dedicated to assisting ones who find themselves restless and searching (that is, ready) for the “next step” of their spiritual growth.

(Messages here are in descending chronological order. View Messages grouped by Author.)

(Messages here are grouped by author. View Messages in chronological order.)

As Esu “Jesus” Immanuel Sananda put it succinctly in the early Phoenix Journal (#3) called Space-Gate: The Veil Removed, “Commander Hatonn is the experiencing fragment of ATON, our Father Creator – ONE SOURCE, ONE LIGHT.”

Commander Hatonn introduces himself thusly: “I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander-In-Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight Command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet – Ashtar Command; Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition. You may call me 'Hatonn'. Let there be no misunderstanding of WHO I AM! I come in this portion as a fourth-dimensional Project Commander in charge of Earth Transition.”

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Be Thankful For Your Planet’s Great Gift Of Compassion

Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, come in the Radiant Light of The One Light, Creator Source. Be still, my friend, for there are ones who wish to stop this communication cycle. Persist and know that We of the Higher Lighted Realms can neutralize the psychic and electronic attacks. Always keep the Light about you, and ask for Assistance whenever the thought crosses your mind to do so.

Great chains of events are currently unfolding which will impact the lives of all ones on your planet. These events are orchestrated so that the twisted “dreams” of a few will be realized, while literally enslaving the rest of those who remain in the physical.

These events will NOT come off as the would-be slavemasters intend. As with all such ill-gotten plans, they lack balance and thus cause great inner emotional stirrings in the ones they intend to victimize. This emotional energy often results in a great resurgence of inner connection to Source, and thus summons forth great Unseen Forces that will literally dissolve the illusion perpetuated by these ones who have sold their souls for the IDEA of power—never once realizing that they themselves are being used, let alone set up for great karmic strife.

  2642 Hits

On Health, Helping, And World Politics

Greetings, my scribe, and thank you for sitting this day. I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, and I come to you in the Light of Creator God—The One Light. Be still and allow the energy to settle, for there is a need to have a message scribed this day for the general public.

Many ones are struggling with the nature of the physiological changes taking place at this time. Many ones are being caused to confront their past “heartaches” in order to maintain proper physical functioning of the human apparatus. This is as it should be, for the Cleansing Cycle we have been speaking of is the catalyst, and though we have gone into this in great detail, there are still many who refuse to make the connection on a PERSONAL level.

Allow me to be blunt: If you are experiencing physical difficulty of ANY KIND whatsoever, it is in part due to an out-of-balance condition within you that has allowed you to ignore the ever-building warning signs until such a point that physically perceived pain results. You ones are responsible for your condition, and for what you will or will not do about same.

  2488 Hits

How To Make This Cleansing Cycle Work For You

Good afternoon, my scribe. I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, come in the Radiant One Light of Creator Source—The One Light. Be at peace and be still, for it is from within the stillness of mind that the quiet whisperings of Source can be recognized and translated.

There is a need to clarify mission objectives for those of you who are seeking Guidance as to what is what and who is who. I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, of the Inter-Galactic Federation of Sovereign Planets, come in volunteer service to your planet as a member of the Host of God (Creator Source, The One Light). We of the Host are here as Messengers and Guides, as your planet goes through a transformation process that we commonly refer to as a “graduation”. It is God’s promise to you and your planet that He would send His Messengers (Angels) so that each would have every possible opportunity to successfully complete the lessons that this transformation process has to offer.

  2801 Hits

Compassion Along The Lighted Path Of Creation

Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, come in the Light of Holy Creator—The One Light. Be still and be at peace.

Thank you for sitting this day and allowing an opportunity for this communication. As always, the choice to do so is yours, and We are grateful for the opportunity to express in this manner.

There are many concerns you ones have, related to what seems to be a non-stop attack by ones claiming to be Godly people. Our message to you is: pay no attention to these ones who mouth empty accusations and veiled threats. They seek to hide from the Light of exposure you have shown upon them, and they therefore feel a great need to try and discredit you at every turn.

  2468 Hits

Staying The Course Despite Rough Seas

Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, come to you this day IN THE LIGHT, LOVE, AND ONENESS OF CREATOR SOURCE—THE ONE LIGHT. Thank you for seeking clarification, for the Dark “tricksters” are forever looking to exploit the smallest of weaknesses, and familiarity often causes ones to let their guard down.

I will take a brief moment to acknowledge you of The SPECTRUM team (this includes all of you quiet donors and supporters) who have persisted through trying times and have continued on the tedious path of the wayshower. The Light you are shining forth in a world accustomed to Darkness is truly a worthwhile endeavor. I thank each of you for your persistence and perseverance.

This first anniversary [for The SPECTRUM] is an achievement in and of itself. Despite all sorts of blatant lies and slanderous, childlike attacks from those you split away from, you have heeded our instructions very well in that you have just let the would-be attackers to their own delusional perceptions of reality, and let them to their own path of choosing. If another tries to pick a fight with you, and you do not respond, then there is NO battle. And more importantly, there is no needless drain of energies (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) off course and into distraction, which is the Adversary’s purpose all along.

  2017 Hits

What Are Some Clues For Truly Finding Your Purpose?

Good evening, my friend. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, come in service to the Radiant One Light of Creator Source—The One Light. Be at peace.

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  1968 Hits

What Are Some Clues For Truly Finding Your Purpose?

Good evening, my friend. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, come in service to the Radiant One Light of Creator Source—The One Light. Be at peace.

All is continuing to unfold in perfection. Allow for the many distractions of day-to-day living to pass through your experience. Hold not your focus upon those things that you find upsetting, but rather, look toward the good that can be borne from the experience itself. Use each emotionally charged experience as the opportunity for which it is intended—as an experiential catalyst for growth.

If the situation is emotionally frustrating to you, then it is indeed YOU who have been afforded an experience wherein you are being challenged to remain in a state of connectedness (through the inner heart connection to Source) despite the apparent dichotomy of the situation. Remember always that YOU, along with all fellow cohabitants of your current experience, ARE ONE WITHIN THE WHOLENESS OF CREATOR.

  3222 Hits

Before Y2K Arrives, Reach Out And Touch Someone

Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, come in Light and in service to The One Light—Aton. Be at peace and know that you hear me just fine.

There are many concerns that we would like to address at this time for you ones. This Message will be published in the last SPECTRUM paper before the beginning of the new year, 2000, in your calendar.

There are many fears and concerns being generated, some of which have some basis in fact and may seem warranted. It is quite alright to be educated and concerned for one’s safety and well-being. However, I caution you to keep your Light shielding about you at ALL times! This is to say, keep the positive ideals of Creator Source about you at all times. Keep LOVE in your heart, or whatever it is that works for you to keep yourself positively buoyant.

  2506 Hits

Discerning For Yourself The “Reality” Of Hatonn

Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, of the Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets (English translation). I come in the Light of Creator Source—The One who created you and me both.

There has been much confusion generated by the recent events unfolding regarding the use of the name “Hatonn”. You ones have been caused to go within and discern for yourselves what is truth and what is not regarding this issue. This is as it should be and as it SHALL BE! I will not ever tell you that I am real, nor will I tell you that another is NOT real.

Reality is a personal condition and perception. If you believe a thing to be real, then it is real for you. Your thoughts are for YOU to choose, and not for me to dictate to you.

  3512 Hits

Recognizing YOUR Purpose Helps The Larger Plan

Good afternoon, my scribe. It is I, Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, come in Service to The One Light, Creator God.

I have come as one of the Hosts of God, as a Messenger of Truth. And, I come as a representative of the Inter-Galactic Federation of Sovereign Planets. I present to many under different names, depending upon the purpose of the communication as well as the level of growth and awareness of the individuals I work with and through. Monitor within yourself the energy vibrations I present and you will recognize my energy.

There are distractions galore these days upon your orb as the Dark energies struggle to remain hidden from the view of you who continue to march forward bearing the symbolic torch of Lighted Truth. Many will effort to snuff out the “flame” of those who radiate this Infinite Flame, as the vibrational emanations associated with you Lightworkers cause the Dark ones to know that their games of trickery and deceit are soon to come onto center stage of attention within the mass consciousness of even the most hardened skeptic.

  2764 Hits