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  Wisdom of the Rays - ”Achieve the wisdom of knowledge of Truth as this will enable you to wisely follow the Laws of The Creation.“

Spiritual Messages

The Spiritual Messages here are of the very highest “channeled” quality from a number of Ascended Masters, Teachers, and Wayshowers from the Higher Realms of Creation--and, as well, there are a few messages by exceptional teachers in our world--all of whom are dedicated to assisting ones who find themselves restless and searching (that is, ready) for the “next step” of their spiritual growth.

(Messages here are in descending chronological order. View Messages grouped by Author.)

(Messages here are grouped by author. View Messages in chronological order.)

The most straightforward, if modern, way I know to describe Aton (besides simply calling Him, in the terminology of our Earth religions, “God”), is as the “C.E.O. and Chairman of the Board of Central Management” for this particular universe within Creator Source's Omniverse of All That Is. The Native Americans, in the language of the Lakota, would refer to Aton as Wakan Tanka.

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As Esu “Jesus” Immanuel Sananda put it succinctly in the early Phoenix Journal (#3) called Space-Gate: The Veil Removed, “Commander Hatonn is the experiencing fragment of ATON, our Father Creator – ONE SOURCE, ONE LIGHT.”

Commander Hatonn introduces himself thusly: “I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander-In-Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight Command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet – Ashtar Command; Earth Representative to the Cosmic Council and Intergalactic Federation Council on Earth Transition. You may call me 'Hatonn'. Let there be no misunderstanding of WHO I AM! I come in this portion as a fourth-dimensional Project Commander in charge of Earth Transition.”

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From the One White Light that is Aton, there is first the division of that complete energy into the two Primary Rays of creation. These are the Golden Ray and the Silver Ray, which are sometimes likened, respectively, to the energies of “the heart” and “the head". The Silver Ray is known as Sanat Kumara, who Aton refers to in The Rainbow Masters as: “One of mine most beloved first born". He is often regarded as the principal overseer of our solar system (among other far-reaching responsibilities) and is often associated with the energy source we perceive as our Sun. He is reverently known to many Native Americans as Grandfather, or Tonkashila, in the language of the Lakota.

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Esu “Jesus” SanandaAs a part of his own growth experiences within that current level of accomplishment, Esu is regarded as the Commander-In-Chief of this particular planetary reclamation and transition mission, especially concerning the “harvesting” of the Lighted souls. In this case, it probably would be appropriately descriptive to say that the “shepherd” is still faithfully tending his “flock” and, in this current upcoming-planetary-transition phase of that project, he is in charge of directing ALL those, from ALL realms of creation, who are here and assisting him to “sort and bring his flock home".

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Some of the historical records associated with this formidable Teacher and Enforcer from the Higher Angelic Realms have actually managed to escape the serious distortions and deletions suffered by others. We do at least have symbolically accurate biblical accounts of Michael's casting of the "full-of-themselves” crowd out from the Higher Realms, down into the lower-dimensional arena – where they could be put to good use in a testing (tempting) capacity for the rest of us.

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While Commander Korton has, relatively speaking, generated few public messages along the same instructional lines as the other Authors, he is the one MOST responsible for the successful “delivery” of ALL these messages of ALL these others! That is, Commander Korton is in charge of ALL communications links associated with this Earth Transition Mission. If we stop and think about that one for a minute, it's enough to make one's head spin! The logistics must be truly awesome, and yet his role is obviously most essential to the transition project underway. Probably the most critical service which Korton provides – that we CAN readily understand – is the help he gives, when asked, to those receivers and scribes “down here” who have accepted public writing burdens for one or more of the Teachers “up there".

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In some respects, Commander Soltec is a most pivotal member of the magnificent team of Advanced Overseers of planet Earth's transition, a team which we call none less than the very Hosts of God. An accomplished scientist of the Higher Realms by inclination and choice, Soltec is in charge of monitoring and interpreting all geophysical goings-on concerning Mother Earth. Soltec reports on these geophysical matters at various Higher Council meetings, where there gather and confer those who monitor and guide the progress of this planet and its inhabitants.

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Among the seven great “Rainbow Masters” of the higher etheric realm communicating at this time to help us get through Earth-Shan's planetary transition and rebalancing, the Ascended Master of the First Ray, or Spectral Aspect, of Creator's One White Light, is known as El Morya, The Statesman. If one were to associate a specific focus of expertise and assistance from Morya, it would probably be in getting over the fear of “taking the first step” in some project, overcoming the fear generated by the human ego-self, and taking that plunge into the unknown, starting a new venture, exploring a new talent, or turning one's life in a new direction – any new beginning fraught with the usual fearful uncertainties of a new path. These are basically all growth aspects of Leadership, and it is this energy ray over which El Morya presides.

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The Ascended Master of the Fourth Ray, or Spectral Aspect, of Creator's One White Light, is known as Serapis Bey. His energy is generally associated with the clear crystal “color” of purity and directness of purpose due to his being the central balancing “fulcrum” position to those of the three Color-Ray Masters on either “side” of him, in terms of their frequency and energy focus of intent. His designation as “The Architect” symbolizes his merging of energies which manifest as The Sciences on one side, with energies which manifest as The Arts on the other. Here is a “large", no-nonsense “character” who gets right to the point, and who prefers the most direct route in handling every challenge, albeit with an expansive and infectious sense of humor that can only come from a base of true humility.

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Picture yourself sitting on a tree stump, surrounded by a countryside pasture in the late springtime or early summertime, awash in that soothing yet vivid green of freshly awakened trees and vibrant grasses, and you will have attuned to the frequency of the Ascended Master known as Hilarion of the Fifth Ray, the Emerald Ray of Healing. Since true healing has a lot to do with forgiveness of ourselves and others, it should come as no surprise that Master Hilarion's main focus is toward awakening our understanding of this most important matter. Also, since healing – or a state of health – is also a matter of attunement with and proper understanding of the Forces of Nature, Master Hilarion is also a Guide to those who have a genuine passion for Science. There can be no more important matter to attend than the true healing of one's own personal being, for in doing so one more closely acknowledges the God-force within and thus one is able to radiate more of His energy outward to others.

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